Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Does Anyone Understand The MS-Y! Saga Anymore?

I've been following this continuing saga since it began in February, but even I'm a little confused as to where this will ultimately go. In today's news it appears that Microsoft is, once again, expressing an interest in acquiring Yahoo!'s search business. It's no longer interested in bidding for the whole company and is in talks with others about acquiring the non-search parts of their business. Personally, this just comes across as indecisiveness on the part of Steve Ballmer and Microsoft, doesn't it?

When Microsoft walked away from the table last month, it seemed as though it was a classic M&A move - letting Yahoo! swing in the wind. It worked too, with Carl Icahn and other shareholders storming the doors at Yahoo! and challenging Yang and the rest of the Board on their decision not to sell. As you know, Yahoo! has been back-peddling ever since to appease those same shareholders, but Microsoft seemed adamant that it was no longer interested in an outright acquisition, but may be interested in a cooperative search-based relationship.

The next chapter, of course, brought Google into the story-line with Yahoo! announcing that they would work with Google on Search. That, honestly, seemed to be the final nail in the proverbial coffin since the deal with Google involved substantial penalties should Yahoo! walk away from the deal thereafter. Today's talk of Microsoft's renewed interest is just weird; what is it that they want? They have the cash to buy them; if they want them, why not just buy them?

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