Saturday, May 17, 2008

Search Engine with No Website Gets ANOTHER $3 Million

No website (or logo, as a matter of fact), but that hasn't stopped all the original investors in Blekko from putting-up yet another $3 million dollars for the would-be challeger to Google. By all accounts, Rich Skrenta, is very media savvy and isn't giving-up any details about their technology beyond criticizing Google's invention of Page Rank and confirmation that they aren't following suit.

With backing from the likes of former Google executives, Netscape's Marc Andreesen as well as Venture Capital firms of the like of Baseline Ventures, SoftTech VC and Western Technology Investments, they must have something pretty good up their sleeves. Except for SoftTech and Western Technology Investments, everyone investing in this round also invested in their seed round that raised $2 million for the 6-person team working out of their garage in true-start-up style!

They aren't alone, of course, with many other challengers to Google waiting in the wings to reveal their secret sauce. The only notable thing about this story, really, is Skrenta's ability to apparently convince sophisticated investors that he's got something worthwhile. Maybe more than that, his ability to get folks like me to write about it without having anything to actually look at until their expected launch sometime in 2009. Any who said an idea, unto itself, isn't worth anything?

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